Monday, September 19, 2011

Trinket #262 - Peridot, Quartz, and Labradorite Earrings

Today's trinket is a medley of natural gemstones acquired recently from a catalog mega-sale. This is the first time I've purchased labradorite, but I know now that it will be a regular - it is AMAZING! Apparently, it is the stone of spiritual awakening. has this to say about its metaphysical properties:

The FLASH will remind you of this stones purpose.  Like "a flash of light in the darkness", Labradorite will help reveal your spiritual destiny to you.  Not only will it reveal your path, but it will help you to develop the wise use of your psychic abilities so they are not abused.This often happens during the dream state, when you are better able, and more willing, to receive outside information.

Said to represent the "temple of the stars" , it brings clarity of thought, and the wisdom of other worlds and universes to us. On an individual level, it brings forth each person's strengths to share with the world, and each other. (to carry the message... to those who still suffer...)

This stone is very good for enhancing night vision, and can be of great help in developing the ability to see auras.
  • Self Esteem: Labradorite promotes strength of will and a feeling of inner worth about your own abilities, while relieving insecurity and apprehension about your value as a spiritual being. 
  • Creativity: Labradorite helps to combine intellectual thought with intuitive wisdom enhancing discernment in all situations. This gemstone elicits creativity by inspiring you to come up with original ideas and solutions to problems.
  • Diet: Labradorite is an excellent gemstone for those seeking to lose weight as it balances and regulates metabolism.
  • Career: Brings patience, which leads to better focus and concentration. This stone enhances perseverance, very helpful for those who are facing a period of sustained work, such as students at exam time, and for those who are prone to overwork.

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